Did you know?
Babies are God’s gift. Sweet angels and good fortune bringers. Joy to parents and the most precious gift to mankind. These are facts many of us know so well.
However, many don’t know that babies have special abilities and some outstanding facts about them. Babies can cry without tears—This happens when they are 2-3 weeks old.Babies can taste sweet, bitter, and sour, but not salty— meaning the salt that you use in cooking, it doesn’t have taste in their mouth. It is tasteless.
Their taste bud begins to recognize the taste of salt when they turn 5 months.
Babies are born with the ability to swim. Babies have more bones than adults—Mom and Dad, that your baby have more bones than you do. They have about 300 bones. Newborns have breasts—When they’re first born, both boys and girls can look like they have small breasts.
Their breasts may even leak milk! Don’t squeeze the firm little lumps though. They form because babies absorb estrogen from mom, and they’ll usually go away within a few weeks. Baby girls could also have a mini period or vaginal discharge that lasts for few days.
While Baby boys get erections Only 15% of newborns prefer to turn their head left when lying on their back, and it may help explain why more people are right-handed, too.They don’t have kneecaps.Babies go through around 3360 nappies in the first year.The first colour they recognise is red.Their stomachs are the size of a walnut.
Learning to talk begins in the womb Your baby could hear your voice and other sounds from about 23 weeks of pregnancyBoys’ and girls’ brains are different—Newborn boys’ brains may grow faster than girls’ brains in the first three months, particularly in areas that control movement.
On the other hand, girls may have more sensitive senses, meaning that they can see and hear better than boys.Another interesting fact about babies is, They have the ability to store breast milk while sucking at the sides of the cheeks and drink it half an hour later—meaning you may see your baby moving their mouth and you are wondering what they are eating.
It is the stored breast milk. Sometimes babies can stop breathing and they are fine—this happens when they’re sleeping, they may pause without a breath for 5 to 10 seconds
@Oluwanishola Akeju